本公司為ISO 9001認證合格廠,從事泵浦製造、生產已有三十年,有感於水電服務人員未必具有泵浦等專業知識,應客戶之要求於六年前成立工務部門、消防、清水、污水、變頻自動恆壓泵浦等,裝配施工管路焊接裝配修改,管路噪音及臭氣改善等工程,控制箱控制線路等一系列組合完工,以確保品質的穩定壽命的延長,目前工廠內有1/8~125HP各式泵浦。
Our company is ISO 9001 certified & qualified factory, engaged in pump manufacture over 30 years. Based on our professional experiences,we felt that hydropower service personnel may not have enough pump expertise and knowledge, therefore, according to customers' requirement, we developed engineering department 6 years ago, responsible for fire extinguishment, clear water, sewage water and automatic booster & constant pressure pumps, etc.
We also deal with assembly construction, pipeline welding, assembly modification, pipeline noise & odor improvement, and so on. We are responsible from the very beginning of steps and complete a series of projects including control boxes and control lines, ensure quality stability and extend long life performance.
Currently, our factory has a variety of pumps, from 1/8 to 125HP. Please don't hesitate to write us for further cooperation.
Our email address is hsin.chuan@yahoo.com.tw.
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